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Truckers Boycott Border States

“Circle-the-Wagons Blockade Against Anarchy”

S T O P the Bush-Kennedy Plan to Give Trucker-Jobs to Mexican Drivers

All 48 CONUS state legislature capital-buildings circled & shut down

National Capital U-Circled; Bumper-to-Bumper, Three-Wide

Monday Tuesday – Wednesday

APRIL 23, 24, 25- 2007

The CB-radios are rumbling already- we have a ‘war’ on our hands.

Do you agree with the Bush-Kennedy Plan to “outsource” your job to a Mexican national driver ? Do you remember how the Congress stood up when the farmers circled the Capital with John Deere tractors, and tied-up the city big-time ?

President Bush and his ally, Sen. Teddy Kennedy have already set in motion a process to displace American truckers out of their jobs within 45 days- with their insidious Mexican trucker pilot program. Bush signed a Bill that allows thousands of substandard 18-wheeler long haul rigs from Mexico onto America’s Interstate and local highway system. Mexican drivers, who can’t read, speak or understand English- receive full access to America’s highways.

What are we thinking ?

Bush, Kennedy and friends place all American motorists at risk- Mexican drivers with average 6th grade educations gained in a Third World country, gross incompetence and habitually drunk Mexican drivers- as well as their un-inspected, unsafe trucks and trailers. Not only will American truckers lose their jobs, but American motorists become collateral damage in accidents guaranteed to occur-closing highways and tying up traffic in the process.

The Bush-Kennedy action mandates a new beginning- where American truckers’ jobs vanish with a new version of the familiar song, “Mexican drivers do the jobs that American truckers won’t do- for slave-wages.”

This “takeover” will happen in gradual stages. Talk About Depressing.

First, the independent haulers will see their loads undercut by Mexican drivers. Later, Mexican drivers will chip away at produce- and contract- haulers.

Given just a little time- Wal-Mart and CostCo (Swift) and Home Depot will hire Mexican drivers at half the wages of American truckers- with no fringe-benefits.

Mexican truckers, ever looking for black market loads of people, drugs and products, will create new smuggling routes across the USA. How will the 3,000 DHS-ICE officers and our loyal state police in the lower-48 handle that additional workload ?

Given enough time, the Bush-Kennedy duo will see to it that American trucking follows the auto industry, construction, drywall, painting, landscape and fast food industry- into the toilet.

Trucker Boycott and Blockade; 21-23 April 2007

Therefore, truckers from four border states- Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California- and beyond, may smell the bacon and choose to participate in a trucker boycott; April 23, 24, 25, 2007. Those truckers that want to stop this latest insult to America’s working class by this president and Congress may elect to shut their rigs down for the entire three days.

Lack of Appreciation MUST Be Properly Rewarded

It is high-time to show Bush and his sorry friends in Congress that truckers are the lifeblood of our nation- and can paralyze this country in a New York minute- if our sorry-assed leaders continue on this national suicide mission of killing jobs for American truckers. Additionally, truckers may surround all 48 state capitals with their rigs nestled nose-to-tail- park ’em, and walk away !

Mr. Bush and Mr. Kennedy, if you and your allies in Congress decide to spit on American truckers, we’ll see who can spit into the next pasture!

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