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October 2024
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Illegal aliens in our country that assault, kill, and intimidate American citizens

This week, we lost another American; a young Gilbert Mother killed in Mesa, by an illegal alien fleeing from the police who had been cited and released just the week before by Mesa PD. Local law enforcement has the authority to arrest and book on immigration violations, but the police were not allowed to do so. Mesa is a sanctuary city, and refuses to allow our police to do their job. As a result this mother left two children behind. Our government is complicit in these deaths and injuries to our citizens.

Illegals are responsible for more deaths in the U.S. each year than we lost at Pearl Harbor, in the 9-11 attack and in the Iraq war to date. Where is the outrage of our government? According to a Congressional report as many as 9,000 killed each year in the U.S. by illegal aliens; 25 per day, 12 by stabbings and shootings and 13 a day by DUI and other vehicular crimes. We have become the home-invasion, car-jacking, identity-theft capital of the Nation.

FREE: Schooling, housing, medical, food stamps, along with jobs that Americans use to do, social security benefits, UnConstitutional Citizenship by birth to non-Americans, subsidized mortgages, drug trafficking, gangs, identity-theft, tax evasion, anti-American attitudes, and demanding services and education in their language!

We have those that are in violation of their Oath of Office. They have not kept the promise or met their obligations to American Citizens.

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