Archive for January 29th, 2008
Guest’s response shouted down as “speechmaking”
Posted: January 29th, 2008 under Uncategorized.
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Who Is Juan Hernandez?
Posted: January 29th, 2008 under Uncategorized.
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Three-Way GOP Race—Chaos or Creative Destruction?
With Mike Huckabee winning Iowa, John McCain winning New Hampshire and Mitt Romney winning Michigan, all in 12 days, pundits are saying the GOP is in chaos. That prognosis is premature. Undoubtedly, with the nation in the fifth year of an unpopular war and the economy tanking along with President Bush’s poll numbers, GOP prospects […]
Posted: January 29th, 2008 under Uncategorized.
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John McCain’s open-borders outreach director: The next DHS secretary?
“Hispanic Republicans here in Nevada had a chance to speak by conference to Sen. John McCain and many of us were appalled to learn that his National Director of Hispanic Outreach is none other that Dr. Juan Hernandez, notorious for his open borders stance. How can McCain reconcile the fact that he says he “learnt […]
Posted: January 29th, 2008 under Uncategorized.
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