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Archive for March, 2007

Fastest growing county in the US: Maricopa County, Arizona

Thanks to Sheriff Joe Arpaio Maricopa County, Arizona Population: 3,768,123 Increase (July 2005 – July 2006): 129,642 Maricopa added more residents to its population in the 12 months ended July 1, 2006, than live in the city of Savannah, Georgia. Its main city, Phoenix, has grown from a modest desert town into the sixth-largest city […]

The Most Dangerous American States

Nevada takes the top spot for most dangerous state for the fourth year in a row; North Dakota ranks as the safest. For the fourth year in a row, Nevada has earned the dubious distinction of being the most dangerous state in America, according to a survey published Thursday. Based on annual statistics, Nevada had […]

U.S. CAN’T get handle on this wanted list

March 26, 2007, 11:44PM By MICHELLE MITTELSTADT Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau WASHINGTON — The number of foreigners targeted for removal from the United States has soared to more than 623,000 even as the federal government has dedicated nearly $205 million over the past four years to deploy new fugitive apprehension teams. In a […]


By Jerry Seper The Washington Times The federal government has spent $204 million since 2003 to hunt down and remove fugitive aliens from the United States, but it has shown little success in slowing down a burgeoning number of aliens now hiding in cities and towns across America. More than 623,000 fugitive aliens or “absconders” […]


By Frosty Wooldridge March 26, 2007 President Bush displaces American truckers out of their jobs within 45 days with his Mexican trucker pilot program. Bush signed a bill that allows thousands of substandard 18 wheeler long haul rigs from Mexico onto America’s Interstate system. Mexican drivers, who can’t read, speak or understand English–receive full […]

Herndon Approves ICE Agreement

03/20/2007 Herndon approves ICE agreement By: Gregg MacDonald On Tuesday, March 13, the Herndon Town Council voted to make Herndon the first incorporated town in America to allow U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to train and empower local officers to enforce federal immigration law. The vote was passed unanimously (6-0, with Bill Tirrell absent) […]

Dueling LA immigration rallies

LOS ANGELES (AP) – There were dueling immigration rallies in L-A today, marking the one-year anniversary of a massive pro-immigrant demonstration that jammed downtown streets with a half-million protesters. Today’s rallies didn’t come close to bringing the crowds of the event they commemorated. Several hundred immigrant rights activists marched downtown to protest immigration raids and […]

Raid at Del Carmen Mexican Store

Del Carmen Mexican Store is a general store where migrant farm workers can get the things they miss – a familiar home-cooked meal, Spanish-labeled soda and movies and music, plantains and jalapenos, La Princesa ice pops – and also the things they need – Wrangler jeans, sturdy boots, wide-brimmed hats, soccer gear. Men, tired, stretch […]

Male Hispanics responsible for disproportionate number of fatal car crashes

As a percentage of Nashville’s population, male Hispanics have been responsible for a greater percentage of fatal traffic accidents this year than any other demographic, police data show. Now, recognizing they have a very real problem on their hands, leaders of Nashville’s Hispanic community are launching the first-ever coordinated campaign to educate the Middle Tennessee […]

Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights

The TIRRC (Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights) is at every turn to stop anything they deem anti-illegal immigration, though they disguise it as anti-immigration Many in Nashville recognize what is happening to a very well known southern city and the transformation due to an enormous illegal alien population.  The seriousness of the situation has resulted […]